Kurtosshhh, an all-new Hungarian Street Food joint, launched at Besant Nagar
Kurtosshhh, Chennai’s latest joint for Hungarian Street Food at Besant Nagar, was launched on 14th November. Serving Kurtoshkalaks, a sweet/savoury chimney cake that has its origin in Hungary, Kurtosshhh aims to delight every Indian’s palate with street food that’s of unmatched quality and authentic taste.
What is Kürtőskalács?
Kürtőskalács (sometimes transliterated kurtosh kalach) is a spit cake specific to Hungary and Hungarian-speaking regions in Romania, more predominantly the Székely Land. Earlier a festive treat, now it is part of everyday consumption.
Kürtőskalács is made from sweet, yeast dough (raised dough), of which a strip is spun and then wrapped around a truncated cone–shaped baking spit, and rolled in granulated sugar. It is roasted over charcoal while basted with melted butter, until its surface cooks to a golden-brown color. During the baking process the sugar stuck on the kürtőskalács caramelises and forms a shiny, crispy crust. The surface of the cake can then be topped with additional ingredients such as ground walnut or powdered cinnamon.
Speaking at the launch event, Anil Kumar Pothuru, an entrepreneur who has brought the brand to Chennai, said “At Kurtosshhh, we make the best of both worlds; a perfect blend of Indo-Hungarian cuisine and I am really thrilled to bring the Kurtosshhh brand to Chennai. We’re looking forward to a great journey.”
It doesn’t end with just kurtoshkalacs! Apart from kurtoshkalacs, Kurtosshhh also serves another Hungarian street food delicacy, langos and Goulash, the National dish of Hungary.
No T 53/B Ground Floor, 4th Main Road,
Besant Nagar, Chennai – 90
(Opp. Dhaba Express)
Ph: 43856530
Timings: 11 am to 11 pm
Media Contact
Red Consulting
Sunita / Uma
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