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Saturday 25 January 2025
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YMCA Madras – School Voice & Tamilnadu Private School Association

YMCA Madras – School Voice & Tamilnadu Private School Association

School Voice of Tamil Nadu Private School Association & YMCA Madras presented Mahatma Gandhi Award (For 100% Results Achievements in Govt Exams 2018) in association with Purchase Connect was held on Tuesday, 27 November 2018 at Hilton Hotel, Chennai.Mr. MJF Ln S.John Xavier Thangaraj, Correspondent and Sr. Principal of Little Flower Group of Institutions welcomed the gathering and enlightened them with the importance of the event. Mr. MARTIN Kennady introduced the distinguished guests,Mr. JosephSundarraj, inspired the awardees with his motivational speech

Dr. Vincent George (President of YMCA, Madras) and Mr. P Asir Pandian graced the occasion. The culmination of the function was that over 300 schoolswere awarded theMahatma Gandhi Achievement Award and over more than 100 Heads of Schoolswere presented the Educational Leadership Award. The eventwas divided into two sessions, in the first session the schools from Kancheepuram & others Districts were awarded and in the second session schools from Chennai & thiruvalluvar recognized for the stupendous achievement. The participants were highly impressed and appreciated the organizers for their wonderful effort in conducting the function in a grand manner. We also thank Dr.TN.Santhosh Kumar, Dr.R.Arthanari, Dr.Rene Robin, Dr.Edwin Abrham and Ivan Sunil Daniel for their füullest support making his event the grand success

The association has resolved to make the following appeals to the Government of Tamil Nadu

1. Thanking the department of School Education Headed by Honorable Minister Thiru. Sengottaiyan for giving approval for 2000 school at a stretch

2. Term of recognition to be made from 3 years to 5 years

3. Those school obtained Temprory Recognation for 10 years should be granted Permanent Recogniation

4. RTE act is implemented on 2011 the school buildings constructed before 2011 to be exempted from building approval

5. We welcome Tamilnadu Government decision recently on DCTP and DA & brought various changes in the provision & increased FSI to 2.0. Now we request the Government to increase
the FSI in bar with Banglore, Hydrabad and Pune and increase FSi for school buildings to 2.5

6. We welcome Tamilnadu Govt, decision DCTP and CMDA, FSI should be increased to 2.0 recently. We request the FSI for school buildings to be increased to 2.5

7. As per provision of public building Act 10sqft per student is fixed. We request the State Government to bring necessary changes as 7sqft per student in telugana state

8. Tax exemption for schools victimized by Gaja cyclone for 3 years and Government aid for those schools to reconstruct infrastructure

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