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Friday 17 January 2025
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LIMA, performs scarless endoscopic breast surgery, a first of its kind technique in South India

LIMA, performs scarless endoscopic breast surgery, a first of its kind technique in South India

Scarless breast surgery – a boon for women

LIMA, performs scarless endoscopic breast surgery, a first of its kind technique in South India

Chennai, July 2nd 2019 : What could be very disturbing for a woman is not only being diagnosed with lumps or tumors on the breast but the scar that will remain after surgery. Scars in the breast or neck are hugely damaging to a woman’s self-esteem. Inorder to provide a solution to this, Lifeline Institute of Minimal Access (LIMA) has developed a revolutionary alternative technique, endoscopic breast surgery through which the lumps or tumors from breast can be removed without scars.

For the past two decades endoscopic surgery has dominated the field of general, gastrointestinal, urological and gynecological surgeries. A group of surgeons from LIMA performed an endoscopic lumpectomy for a 26 year-old woman from West Bengal. This is a first of its kind procedure performed in South India.
The principle of endoscopic lumpectomy is to access the breast through the axilla, or the armpit, using its skin lines in order to avoid scars. The target lesion or lump is accessed by endoscopically creating a tunnel of dissection. After removal of the lump, the specimen is taken out through the armpit, leaving no scars at all on the breast. This type of surgery is also known as stealth surgery, as the surgeon steals away the target lump, with no visible scars.

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