Homepreneur Awards – Honoring & Celebrating Home-based Women entrepreneurs
www.homepreneurawards.com / www.suyasakthiawards.com
Ever wondered, when you had ordered your homely lunch from your nearby meal provider, as to who is running the show there? Or, who is rendering the beautician services in your neighborhood boutique? Or, who is behind the agency which is providing healthcare services to
your ailing parent? You will truly be surprised to learn that quite a number of these enterprises are owned and managed by women!
They carry on their business and contribute to their home, society as well as the economy, nobody ever pausing for a moment to thing about them! It is here that one such entrepreneur, from The Naturals and the House of Brand Avatar, decided that the efforts of these unsung women should get some recognition and out of such decision was born THE HOMEPRENEUR AWARDS (Suyasakthi Virudhugal). These awards, which have run 2 successful editions, have created a platform to Recognize, Reward, Celebrate and Transform such home-based businesswomen who are carrying on diverse business activities from home starting from baking, tutoring, freelancing, beautician, writing, healthcare services to catering.