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“Actor Sarath Kumar and Barry Rassin of Rotary International flag Off Road Safety Cyclathon Rally”

Actor Sarath Kumar and Barry Rassin of Rotary International flag Off Road Safety Cyclathon Rally

· Over 1500 participated in the event

Chennai, Oct. 2018

Actor Sarath Kumar and Rotary International President Rtn Barry Rassin flagged off a Mega cycle rally, held recently (7th Oct 2018) towards promoting Road Safety and Cleaner Environment. Rotary Club of Madras Midtown (RCMM) and Rotary District 3232 Rotaract Council organized this 5th edition of ‘Tour de Rotary’ event. This event is being conducted in commemoration of the Rotary Institute 2018. Rtn. Basker C, RI Director, Rtn Babu Peram, Dist Governor RI Dist 3232 D. Narayanan, President, Rtn. Ambalavanan, Past President, RCMM; Rtr. Girish E, District Rotaract Representative, were present.

Over 1500 participants cycled their way for the cause on a 10-km route -starting at 6 am from Hotel The Leela Palace reaching Besant Nagar Beach and then back to the starting point. Rotary Leaders from across India, Rotarians and Rotaractors were among those who took part.

Given the alarming fact that Chennai ranks as Accident Capital of India, `Peace on Roads’ project was initiated during the event towards continuous efforts for improving the Road travel conditions and Safety.

Rotary World Peace Minutes Project, a unique programme of the Rotary Organization and in line with one of its main focus areas of promoting peace has also been showcased. Intended for improving one’s Inner Peace, which in turn will help foster World Peace, the project calls for online registration, at www.rotaryworldpeace.org, enabling Rotarians and their invitees across the world concurrently observe a 10-minute mindful silence at 12 Noon GMT on February 23, 2019.

As per the National Crime Records Bureau report, Tamil Nadu has reported startling number of road accidents -for the year 2015, in the State of Tamil Nadu 69059 road accidents took place with 79746 injuries and 15642 deaths. The figure in the year 2014 was 67250 crashes, 77725 injured and 15190 deaths.

Another report by Transport Commissioner’s Office, Chepauk, says in the year 2016, the total number of road accidents in the state was 71431, which translated to an All India percentage of 14.9. The total number of persons killed were 17218 that stood at 11.4% in All India data.

“In this milieu, Rotary is planning to implement various projects to improve Road Travel Conditions and Safety in Chennai. Cyclathon is the first in the series of projects that will be followed by release of an upcoming Road Safety Awareness Video by Actor Sarath Kumar and adoption of roads of High Fatal Accident incidences in Chennai to make it Accident Free”.

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